Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Well hey everyone!

I've been back at work for about a week nw and am finally getting used to the idea of wearing a tie... Haha the new shirts I bought are good, apparently they're the right size. The old shirts I had in the back of my closet are a tad bit tight around the neck. Hehe I always uesd to wear them collar open so it didn't matter. Dress codes pfft...

Anyway, with my life once again hitting that get up-go to work-come home-....chill.... I'm find more time to spend on serious writing. The project that I've been most busy with lately is overhauling 'Black Nines'. It will be one of my shorter pieces (Compared to say... One thousand One which will probably turn into one fo those three volume epics....) so I thought it would be a good one to start with on my summer revisions. So far so good (minus a back-up error and a corrupt file... thank goodness for Gmail and its wonderful massive storage for backups :)) I guess long story short, expect a post of Black Nines as soon as later today.

My other off again on again summer project "Creatures" has been worked on a bit. Haha that project is more of a loose idea project. If theres a loose idea in my head that needs to go somewhere, I create a short about it with some Creatures characters. Well I will be. Right now theres a pile of partial ideas on paper... I'll finish one soon and post it soon too. This week might be a really good one for postings actually... well I never promise things anymore, but the POTENTIAL is there.

Until then, John.
The Writer.

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